Moorland Walker Tors

Foxes’ Yard, a Round of Beef and rethinking Water Rock

“Other piles have also fanciful names attached to them, one being known as Harton’s Chest, and another as The Foxes’ Yard. A rock near the river, and not far from Foxworthy Mill, bears a name which should render it a fit companion to the Parson’s Loaf. It is the Round of Beef, the very sound […]

Moorland Walker Tors

Was Tor

I arrived an hour before opening time for Lydford Gorge, parking at the White Lady Waterfalls car park, with the intention of trying to find the owner of Was Tor before I turned my attention to the gorge. Please note this small outcrop lies on private land with horses and permission should always be sought. […]

Moorland Walker Tors

Tors and Rocks from Cadover Bridge

Back in August 2015, I made my first visit to this south-western corner of the national park. In the height of summer, the weight of growth in the woods, the height of the bracken, made it difficult to explore and I had to give up on any attempt of reaching Shaugh Beacon from the path […]

Moorland Walker Tors

In Search of Chub Tor

Sunday morning, I left the overcast skies of Okehampton, heading to the western side of Dartmoor, where the countryside bathed in warm sunshine. Well, that’s how it felt from the car, but when I had parked up on the edge of Roborough Down, I stepped out into a biting wind which had me layering up […]

Moorland Walker Tors

Tors of Dartmoor: The beginning?

Looking back, I can see that the first seeds of a Tors of Dartmoor database were sown by the now defunct Share Your Adventure website. It’s demise on 1st July 2021 was a sad day and I don’t think its like has ever been bettered. This is a look back at a walk I did […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track – Denmark to Albany

The final section of my End to End of the Bibbulmun Track in aid of Epilepsy Action: Journey’s End.. Thursday, 14th November 2013: Day 49 Rest day in Denmark: sent my tent, tablet, clothes, extra food, and various other non-essential items on to Albany, and my pack was now considerably lighter. I organised my taxi […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track – Walpole to Denmark

And so, here is the penultimate section of my walk along the Bibbulmun Track for Epilepsy Action! From Walpole, through to Denmark, via The Valley of the Giants and Peaceful Bay. Friday, 8th November 2013: Day 43 Walpole rest day. Slept in until 6:30 am and wandered down to the cafĂ© about two hours later. […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track – Northcliffe to Walpole

Continuing my journey along the Bibbulmun Track with an 8 day section, from Northcliffe across the Pingurup Plains and the coast to Walpole. Friday, 1st November 2013: Day 36 A very late start for us, leaving the Bibbulmun Break Motel and rejoining the track, under threat of drizzle, along the disused tramway and then onto […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track – Pemberton to Northcliffe

Continuing my journey along the Bibbulmun Track with a 3 day section, from Pemberton to Northcliffe Monday, 28th October 2013 – Day 32 Mikey and I saw Andrew off at the bus stop, and then went for breakfast; he would be missed. The day was relaxed; posted back some clothes and saved 900 grams, collected […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track – Balingup to Pemberton

Here we go again with another trip report along the Bibbulmun Track. After a days rest in Balingup, it was eight days to Pemberton. Saturday, 19th October 2013: Day 23 A rest day today, and after a fry up breakfast, we picked up supplies from the local store and then took a ride out to […]