Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track – Collie to Balingup

Continuing my Bibbulmun adventure, after a couple of zero days, it was time to complete the section to Balingup. Tuesday, 15th October 2013: Day 19 After three nights in a comfy bed and two days without so much as lifting my rucksack, this morning came as a bit of a shock. I left Colliefields about […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track – Dwellingup to Collie

Here we go with the next leg of my Bibbulmun Adventure. a leg where I had to dig deep as the weather exacerbated the loneliness of walking alone. Tuesday, 8th October 2013: Day 12 Exchanged contact details with Sean; we’ll go for a beer in Fremantle, where he lives, when I get back to Perth, […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track – Mt. Cooke to Dwellingup

Continuing my Bibbulmun Adventure and in this third part I am accompanied by Dropbear, heading from Mount Cooke shelter to my first rest day in the town of Dwellingup. Thursday, 3rd October 2013: Day 7 Dropbear and I were up at 5 am and on the trail forty-five minutes later. We took advantage of the […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track – Brookton to Mount Cooke

Continuing my journey and after 4 days I’ve settled into the task. Section Two takes me from Brookton shelter to Mount Cooke. Tuesday, 1st October 2013: Day 5 The usual departure at 7:15 am. A long day ahead today, of 27km. To help, I set myself targets, or tick lists, along the route. The formation […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track – Kalamunda to Brookton

Greetings from Western Australia! It has taken a while coming, but here is the first posting of my Bibbulmun Track attempt; Section One – Kalamunda to Brookton Shelter. Friday, 27th September 2013: Day 1 I was up and out early; no fanfare, no send off. Kevin, Sue and James were at work, and Cameron was […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track: WA Weather Woes

You can make the best preparations possible, fine tune everything to the minutest detail, but, at the end of the day, you are always at the mercy of the weather. Sitting off the south-west coast of Australia, in the mighty Southern Ocean, there have been a monotonous succession of low fronts that, for August and […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track: final UK preparations

I expected the last week of preparation to be a little more hectic, but I have managed to get virtually everything done with time to spare and I have been able to focus my attention on issues at work and home. There was one matter I couldn’t help but tinker with, though; my choice of […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track: my kit

On the 27 September 2013, I start out on a journey of 1000 km, walking the Bibbulmun Track, in South-Western Australia, to raise money for Epilepsy Action. Below is a list of the gear I will take; Pack System Item Make Weight (g) Rucksack Lowe Alpine TFX Kibo 65 Litre 1830     1830 Shelter System […]

Moorland Walker Tors

The Whitehorse Hill Cist and death on the moor!

Now, the other day I came across a highly entertaining blog called “Two Blondes Walking” and one particular post mentioned a book called Dartmoor 365, by John Howard. Remembering I had a copy on my shelf, I took it down and started browsing. The area of Dartmoor is 365 square miles, and the author cleverly […]

Australia Moorland Walker

The Bibbulmun Track: An outback office

Another week laid low with some pesky chest complaint left me with the opportunity to put together this little piece exploring how I’ll be blogging on the Bibbulmun Track and keeping everyone back home up to date on my progress. Google Nexus 7 For a while, it seemed as if I was searching for a […]