a database of both lesser- & well-known rocks and outcrops

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Search for a Tor

A growing collection of Dartmoor literature

Using our options below you can either search by Civil Parish, by the 4 figure Ordnance Survey SX Grid Square (ie. "6267"), by Tor Classification or simply type in the name of the tor you are seeking. Currently, with 928 locations listed and 3659 photos, we believe this is the most definitive collection available of both lesser and well known tors and rocks. Alternatively, just browse them using one of our lists.

Search Options


We have also created the following lists that may come in handy:

Ordnance Survey
Tors and significant rocks that are represented on 1:25,000 scale Ordnance Survey Maps

Lesser Known Tors (LKT)
Tors and significant rocks that are lesser known and are not repesented on modern Ordnance Survey maps. Given the number of entries, this may take some time in loading.

Public Tors
Tors and significant rocks that exist on land accessible to the Public. Please note this also includes those that are 'Public (part private)' and should you wish to visit the private sections, then permission from the landowner should be sought. This may take some time in loading.

Tors by Height:
Tors and Rocks in Descending Order
Tors and Rocks in Ascending Order
Please be aware that these pages display the entire database collection of tors and significant rocks and may take some time in loading.

The Full List
Please be aware that this page displays the entire database collection of tors and significant rocks and may take some time in loading.

Contact Us

If there are any tors you consider to be missing, or discrepancies, we are happy to investigate, add, or correct an error. Simply fill out our Contact Form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.