This searchable database of the tors of Dartmoor National Park is the most definitive list available of both lesser and well-known tors and rocks. It has been compiled from various sources including old guide books, maps, and local knowledge from many enthusiasts and we have listed a number of those people later on. But first, some short bio's of the team behind the website; Tim Jenkinson, Max Piper and Paul Buck.
Tim Jenkinson
Tim Jenkinson
Tim is a long time tor hunter and writer on the subject dating back to at least the mid 1990s. Tim's first articles on Lesser Known Tors (those rockpiles that are not shown on OS maps but are often named in the literature) appeared in the Spring 1996 edition of Dartmoor Magazine (Number 42). Since then he has given talks and continued to write about the subject right up until the present day.
He teamed up with Paul Buck and Max Piper in 2017 to get all these tors logged and photographed especially on the largely overlooked eastern side of the moor.
Max Piper
Max Piper (credit Glavind Strachan Photography)
Max is a tor bagger, Dartefacter and author who has always been fascinated by Dartmoor, but became even more hooked after training for the Ten Tors Challenge in 2018, despite not participating in the actual event. It was when he came across Paul Buck and Tim Jenkinson, at around the same time, where his relationship with the National Park became permanent and addictive. It was here that he completed several walks exploring Dartmoor's many treasures and, not least, its well-known and less well-known tors.
What Max has gained from these early experiences is the motivation to get out and explore, finding quite a few undocumented outcrops, and enthusiasm to create his own website which can be found at He also contributes to the database of Dartmoor Artefacts, at, a website designed to enable enthusiasts to discover many of Dartmoor's points of interest in an innovative format.
In October 2022, Max's first book 'East Dartmoor's Lesser-Known Tors and Rocks' was published by The Dartmoor Company. This specialist publication is a companion to the Tors of Dartmoor database and describes 300 tors and rocks on East Dartmoor.
Paul Buck
Paul Buck
Paul is a backpacker, tor bagger, Bibbulmun Track End to Ender and West Ham supporter. He moved down from London to live in Okehampton in 2016, after realising he was spending most of his weekends on Dartmoor and it just made sense to make it permanent! Paul has been tor bagging seriously for about 13 years now and has visited over 700 tors. It was while seeking out new ones with Tim Jenkinson and Max Piper that it occurred to him that they should collaborate to create this database of all the known tors and outcrops.
As well as being the instigator, designer and webmaster for Tors of Dartmoor, Paul used to blog under the alias of Moorland Walker on his personal website but some of his posts have now been incorporated into the blog section of this website.
Special Acknowledgement
We give special mention to the following, in no particular order; their respective works have contributed enormously to the building of this site.
William Crossing, Eric Hemery, Samuel Rowe, Henry E. Carrington, Ordnance Survey, Roland Ebdon, Alan Watson, Dr. Peter Sanders, Steve Jenkins, Becky Falls, Harry Starkey, Terry Bound, Michael Havinden, Freda Wilkinson, Dave Brewer, Mike Brown, Sylvia Sayer, Anna Eliza Bray, Dr. Tim Harrod, John Chudleigh, Richard Hansford Worth, Lady Susan Exmouth, Peter Boyd, Tim Sandles, Mike Kitchener, Hamilton Jenkin, Dora James, Sabine Baring-Gould, Ken Ringwood, Rev H. Hugh Breton, Paul Rendell, Devon County Council, Peter Hamilton-Leggett, Keith Ryan, Benjamin Donn, Roy Egerton Downard, William Shillibeer, Ian Parsons, Richard Horsham, Hermon French, Sir Walter Besant, John Hannaford, Derek Rendell, Tom Greeves, Ian Kirkpatrick, Caroline Kirkpatrick, Dave Hamnett, Anthony Richard Kingdom, Lustleigh Community Archive, Ron Hill, John Lloyd Warden Page, Elisabeth Stanbrook, Lieutenant-Colonel William Mudge, John Clement, Crispin Gill, David Ayres, Peter Freeman, Ann Jenkinson, David Leslie Linton, Pete McCrickard, Sheron Vowden, Angus McCaffery, Simon Dell, Nicole Humphreys, Rob Naylor, Jason Maddick, Johnie Stickland, James Clapham, Dave Bellamy, Bob Fitzpatrick, Jake Parrish, Sam Henderson and Steve Grigg.