a database of both lesser- & well-known rocks and outcrops
Chat TorLoaf, Clatter Tor, Rattlebrook Hill
On top of Rattlebrook Hill, one prominent layered outcrop on the boggy track between Hare Tor and the bridleway near to Bleak House. It appears as one over-sized dollop of cow pat, but its geology is very interesting since it is a rare form of embedded granite. The 360 degree views are worth the effort. Hemery says of the area north-eastward: "Chat Tor provides a view of the turf-ties (pre-industrial) from which so much peat was formerly transported by packhorse along the old Lydford path, and from which the eighteenth-and nineteenth-century miners in the valley would have obtained their fuel." Crossing explains that the tor is marked on a Duchy Map as 'Loaf', which likely comes from the tor's character and is an ancient name. Certainly, the tor has a loaf's features in some respects.