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Eylesbarrow TorEllisborough Tor, Aylesborough Tor, Eylesburgh, Eyles Burrow
Two granite bronze age cairns, a boundary marker of the 1240 Perambulation at Eylesbarrow. Close to the cycle path that runs from Princetown. A great sprawling hillside on Dartmoor and on its south and east side is a ruined tor and recorded as such in some of the Dartmoor literature. The top photo shows one of the few surviving outcrops of note on those slopes. Granite was plundered here to build walls and buildings in the tin mining era. Hemery says it was also known as Aylesborough Tor. The distinctive iron boundary marker atop the hill and ruined tor was in need to repair, carried out in 2015 by the Dartmoor National Park Authority. The rock in which the marker is fixed is inscribed 'JM 2015' for Jane Marchand who was the instigator of the repairs and head Dartmoor Archaeologist at that time.