a database of both lesser- & well-known rocks and outcrops
Landscore TorLaunceston Tor, Launceston Torr, Long Score Tor, Lownstone, Launson Torr Rock, Landscove Tor
This is a huge towering crag of rock that overlooks one of the main paths running through the private woodland of Ausewell. The name of Landscore appears on a 1605 map of Ashburton and Crossing also assigns the name of Launceston Tor to the rocks. The term "Landscore" refers to a boundary line and this wall runs along the parish boundary of Ashburton and Buckland in the Moor. Nearby there is a boundary stone that is dated 'Mar 4th 1837' which also has a large 'A' and 'B' inscribed on its sides for Ashburton and Buckland respectively. Dave Brewer (2002) includes an account of this stone and another in the area. He also says of the tor's other names; "...recorded as 'Lownstone or Long Score Tor' in 1593, becoming Launceston Torr in 1709 and Launson Torr Rock in 1837." The boundstone is also mentioned in an 1895 article in the Totnes Times and Devon News, on the Ashburton Beating the Bounds; "Some hearty cheers were given for the Squire and the company having inspected the bondstone which bore the date March 4th, 1837, then broke away from the drive and up through the wood by a stream towards Ausewell first coming to a well called Muswell. Here there was another stone dated May 4th 1837. Attention was called to a large holly bush growing over the well and to the granite cross nearby all will be found in King's Head Wood". Access to Landscore Tor is strictly by permit only and can be obtained through Fountains Forestry who manage the woodlands.