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Nattadon Tor

Nat Tor Down, Nattadown

Somewhat overshadowed by the huge bulk to the south-west that is Meldon Hill, there is a lower hill of equal importance that is worth exploration. Marked as 'Nattadon Common' there is actually a modest rockpile occupying much of the very steep western slope that has received scant reference in the literature despite its dramatic position that is best appreciated when looking over the common from Meldon Hill.

In Eden Phillpotts' novel 'Children of the Mist', dated to 1898, we see in Chapter VI 'A Swarm of Bees' one of the earliest descriptions of the area: "Above Chagford rise those lofty outposts of Dartmoor, named respectively Nattadown and Middledown. The first lies nearer to the village, and upon its side, beneath a fir wood which crowns one spur, spread steep wastes of fern and furze. This spot was a favourite one with (the fictional) Clement Hicks."

Later we read: "The expanse seen from this lofty standpoint extended like a mighty map, here revealing a patchwork of multicoloured fields, here exhibiting tracts of wild waste and wood, here beautifully indicating by a misty line, seen across ascending planes of forest, the course of the distant river, here revealing the glitter of remote waters damaskeened with gold."

William Crossing (WC, 1909) also describes the hill and uses 'Nat Tor Down' which definitely hints at a tor in the vicinity, and indeed there are at least three clusters of emergent rocks on the hillside providing excellent views over Chagford and across to the dome of Cosdon Hill. It is Bound (1991) who introduces the name of 'Nattadon Tor' in his 'A to Z of Dartmoor Tors', though his explanation of how to get to the rocks is for the energetic only. Unlike the lowly and disappointing bedrock seen on the top of the common these outcrops are substantial but quite difficult to view, especially in the summer months, so a winter visit is definitely advised.

Embedded into the hillside the northern outcrops are partly hidden by trees, gorse and bracken, but the southernmost is much more readily visible and accessed by taking the grassy track that tackles the steep ascent from the road below. WC only makes a fleeting reference to "the north-western slope that is strewn with granite..." but what we have here is clearly a grand small tor that deserves some recognition.

Nattadon Tor
The map above is not a navigation tool and we recommend that the grid reference shown below is used in conjunction with an Ordnance Survey map and that training in its use with a compass is advised.
Grid Ref:
SX 7033 8663
Tor Classification:
Valley Side
Rock Type:
Eden Phillpotts
Tim Jenkinson
William Crossing
Terry Bound
Reference / Further Reading:
Eden Phillpotts (1898): Children of the Mist
Tim Jenkinson: East Dartmoor The Hidden Landscape: Rocks and Tors (published privately)
William Crossing: Guide to Dartmoor
Terry Bound: The A to Z of Dartmoor Tors

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