a database of both lesser- & well-known rocks and outcrops
Uppacott TorOnce thought to be little more than an artificial gathering of rocks caused by the clearing of a field of its granite boulders for pasture, subsequent visits to Uppacott Farm by the TOD team have detected possible evidence of bedrock in both the higher and lower piles with a good albeit small compact outcrop in between that is positioned in the garden. Our thanks go to Fiona Rothwell for supplying the second image when she visited with kind permission of the landowner. The lower pile is set in a private field and is rather scruffy in appearance, it can be seen from the lane leading up to Uppacott Cross and has at least three trees sprouting from the crevices of the rocks. The granite knob nearest the road does give the impression of an emergent outcrop here, with perhaps the other boulders having been propped against it, a theory that led to the earlier assertion. Walking up the lane in a northerly direction glimpses of a little more of the tor can be seen in the garden where a definite square shaped outcrop is visible and above this out of the farm and across the road beside the verge is another jumble of rocks looking once again to have been pushed together and possibly cleared to the side for road widening, but with evidence of some sturdier rocks under the turf and in the bushes. Collectively there seems to be a distinct tor remnant here that has been somewhat disturbed over the decades to accommodate both the needs of agriculture and road maintenance.